Last 22 of March took place a pleasant lecture about endometriosis and fertility directed by Dr. Antonio Moya Yeste because of the endometriosis month. The lecture took place on the IMED Levante hospital.
Different aspects related with endometriosis were faced on the lecture, from its origin and diagnosis till subsequent treatment and surgery and it was complemented with the assistant’s queries.
Among all the subjects, we wanted to point out the high prevalence of endometriosis among the childbearing age population of any ethnicity or social group. Around 20% of woman in the world are affected, and nowadays it is estimated that there are 200 million affected women. Only in Spain we have 2 million.
It attracted our attention that among teenagers there is a 16% of patients with chronic pelvic pain.
From the fertility point of view, between 30-40% of patients that come to our consultation because they don’t achieve pregnancy, there is the endometriosis factor.
How to identify endometriosis 
There are different types and levels of affectation, from the lightest one till the most severe of IV stage.
To identify the endometriosis, the most frequent symptoms are, first of all pain while menstruation, during or after sex relations, bowel movement pain or when urinate, abundant menstruation bleeding…
Other symptoms are intestinal disorders and as we mentioned before sterility/infertility. In other cases, the endometriosis appearance is totally asymptomatic; it is diagnosed in a casual way during laparoscopy or pelvic imaging test.
For the endometriosis diagnosis you can have a gynaecologic exam, MRI, laparoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. What we have to know is that serum markers aren’t valid for the endometriosis diagnosis.
Regarding treatments, all focused to improve life quality, should be according with the patient, what means that, the treatment will be according the age, reproduction desire, type and harshness of the disease, contraindications, etc.
The main objective of the lecture was to approach in a simple way, a disease that is more and more usual and at the same time so unknown to everybody and to solve in a clear way the most frequent questions that most women have when this is an infertility cause.
Moreover, we have other information workshops as this one about other very important subjects that concern woman.
If you couldn’t come to the lecture and you think you could suffer from endometriosis or you already have it and you want to solve any doubts, make a free appointment with VITA.